Join the nation's leading pitching minds at Pitchstock 2024, the ultimate softball pitching conference where innovation and excellence come together to redefine coaching norms and reshape the landscape of softball pitching.

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Pitchstock is an immersive pitching conference designed to empower coaches of all levels with cutting-edge insights, advanced strategies, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Pitchstock 2024 goes beyond the conventional conference – it's a catalyst for growth, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of softball coaching.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of a revolutionary event at the Westin O'Hare in Chicago, where passion meets expertise, and softball coaching reaches new heights. Mark your calendars for Pitchstock 2024, and get ready to elevate your coaching game in August!

Pitchstock '24 FAQ

Who is Pitchstock for?

Pitchstock is for coaches of all levels who are seeking to grow personally and impact their softball pitchers.

Where is Pitchstock located?

Pitchstock will be held at the Westin O’Hare in Rosemont, Illinois. The event is also available virtually for those who cannot make it in person.

How do I book my hotel?

Which airport should I fly into?

The Westin is 5 minutes from O’Hare and roughly 40 minutes to Midway.

Will lunch be served during the event?

We will providing lunch on Thursday to all attendees.

What if I can't attend in person?

The event will be broadcast virtually via Zoom so just buy a remote ticket!

Will the recordings be provided after for participants?

Yes, roughly 3-4 weeks after the event we will provide all of the recordings to the attendees.

What is the Stars Of Tomorrow?

Top High School athletes who qualified will attend the Stars of Tomorrow Games with Athletes Unlimited on August 9 - 11 in the Rosemont area. The three day event consists of training, skills challenges and game play. This is a great opportunity for college coaches attending Pitchstock to recruit these athletes. For more information, email Jami Lopries at

Pitchstock '23 Recap

Did You Miss Out Pitchstock '23?

Access the recordings below!

Pitchstock 2024 Sponsors